DCActivity Exceptions

The following section outlines exceptions raised by DCavtivity module.

Exception Hierarchy



Exception dcactivity.errors.DCActivityException

Base Exception class for DCActivity.
Most of the exceptions raised by DCActivity are derived from this class.
This itself is derived from DiscordException Exception class of discord.py


Exception dcactivity.APIException

Exception that is raised in case of some errors due to API while requesting Invite Link.
It is mostly raised because of getting Rate-Limited by the API.

Inherited from DCActivityException.


Exception dcactivity.InvalidChannel

Exception that is raised when library encounters invalid channel as the input in create_link() method.

Interited from discord.InvalidArgument.


Exception dcactivity.InvalidApplicationID

Exception that is raised when library encounters invalid Application ID as the input in create_link() method.

Interited from discord.InvalidArgument.