
The following section outlines some helpful Examples to use DCActivity module.


from discord import Client, VoiceChannel
from dcactivity import DCActivity, DCApplication

client = Client()
dcactivity = DCActivity(client)

async def on_message(message):
    if message.content.startswith("!youtube"):
        invite = await dcactivity.create_invite(message.author.voice.channel, DCApplication.youtube)
        await message.channel.send(invite)



from discord import Intents, VoiceChannel
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from dcactivity import DCActivity, DCApplication

bot = Bot(command_prefix="!", intents=Intents.default())
dcactivity = DCActivity(bot) # or bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(bot) to use it as a BotVar

async def youtube(ctx, channel: VoiceChannel):
    invite = await dcactivity.create_invite(channel, DCApplication.youtube)
    await ctx.send(invite)


Advanced Usage

Bot with Cogs

from discord import Intents
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCActivity, DCApplication

class Bot(commands.Bot):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__(command_prefix="!", intents=Intents.default())
        self.bot.dcactivity = DCActivity(self)

bot = Bot()

from discord import VoiceChannel
from discord.ext import commands
from dcactivity import DCApplication
from dcactivity.errors import InvalidChannel

class MyCog(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
    async def youtube(self, ctx, channel=None):
        if not channel:
            if not ctx.author.voice:
                return await ctx.send("You need to connect to a voice channel first")
            if not isinstance(ctx.author.voice.channel, VoiceChannel):
                return await ctx.send("This feature is not supported in Stage Channels.")
            _channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
            _channel = channel

        invite = await self.bot.dcactivity.create_invite(
            _channel, DCApplication.youtube, max_age=0, max_users=10)
        await ctx.send(invite)

    async def youtube_error(self, ctx, exc):
        exc = getattr(exc, "original", exc)
        if isinstance(exc, InvalidChannel):
            await ctx.send("Invalid Channel given as argument.")

def setup(bot):